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Genesis of the Philosophy Club | Rules and Procedures of the Club | Creation of the web-site

I. Genesis of the Philosophy Club

Launched at the end of 2001, the club has as one of its concerns that fewer pupils generally are opting for literary classes. In May 2001 teachers of philosophy, literature and history set up an interdisciplinary project so that pupils from Seconde onwards could begin to appreciate the possibilities and rewards of studying literature at a deeper level.

Given the constraints of the timetable, the creation of an internet site seemed the most viable way of conducting the weekly meetings where it is hoped that teachers and students alike from all levels and all streams will be able to work together so that everybody will be able to have their say.

Will it work? The answer depends on your participation !

II. Rules and Procedures of the Club

1. We propose to take as our motto this sentence of Descartes from one of his later writings :

"Each will listen to each with gentleness and respect, without any scorn for what is said in the meeting.
The aim is not to seek contradiction, but only to search for the truth."

(Extract from Projet de Règlement, sent in 1650 to Queen Christine of Sweden,
who wanted to set up an Academy in Stockholm.)

2. The procedures of the club can be divided into three points :

  • the renewal of the seconde Interdisciplinary Project for the academic year 2002-2003,
  • Soirées Philo and debate broadcast on the Internet :
  • division of the club into:

    - Active members (pupils, alumni, BT, BTS, classes préparatoires, teachers, technical and administrative staff - who, being subscribed to the club, have a right to direct participation on the club's web-site)

    - Associate members (any visitor of the site identifying with the spirit of the initiative can, upon presentation of his/her ID or CV, ask for a formal subscription to the club and join in the work by email)

III. Creation and development

Karl Azémar, Christophe Damagio, Florent Seror, ex-pupils : creators of the web-site
Raphaël Lefeuvre, BTS Teacher, Visual Communication : communication.
Contact : club.philo@free.fr

We thank the CRDP of the Academy of Versailles for graciously hosting our site on their server.

Mr Czeslaw Michalewski, Philosophy Teacher. 

L'historique du Club Philo